From the archives... 01/11/13
Singer, speaker, recording artist and comedienne, Kelita has been so kind to me through the years I have known her. She has also given my name and recommended me to different people when she has been asked, but unable to minister due to another commitment.
I got a call one day from a lady who is very involved with promoting gospel artists. She was having a ladies' day on a Saturday in October and booked me on Kelita’s recommendation. She was looking for about 45 minutes of comedy. I told her I would do my best.
When I got off the phone, I remembered thinking, “Why in the world did I say I would do it?” I have sat in the audience watching Kelita don her comedienne hat and be in stitches listening to her as she did her different characters. I was no match for that!
How easy it is to compare yourself to someone else! That’s what I did – for about six months before the gig! Also there was a woman there who was a very charismatic, “have the audience in her lap” type of singer. Boy oh boy did the insecurities well up in me!
I shared my heart with my sister-in-law Mim, wondering where I was going to get this comedy routine? Mim simply said “Share your testimony. It’s funny!”
I did a lot of crying out to God those six months.
It was about a three hour drive from home. We got to the venue about seven o’clock on the Friday night. It was at a campground and the sun was just setting over the lake. We were told to be there for seven so we didn’t doddle over the sunset, although I would have loved to just go and drink in the lovely sight.
We sat for about two hours waiting to do the sound check. It was a lovely venue and they had booths around the perimeter of the large room where the ladies could shop in between sessions the next day.
I did my sound check and then we were guided to a lovely home that backed onto the lake. We visited with the young couple who were hosting and all the while, I was silently praying “Oh Lord, please help me!”
I didn’t sleep well that night. I woke often and was very restless. At 6 AM I felt Mim brush my hand and told me it was time to get up. At the same moment, words of a song came into my head. “I cannot live without Your love oh Lord. I cannot breathe without Your breath. I cannot sing without Your song oh Lord, ringing deeply in my breast.” Shadow of Your Face by Bob Fitts © 1996 Hosanna’s Integrity Music. My heart filled with praise and adoration to my Heavenly Father! The worry and stress melted away! He was reminding me that as long as I relied on Him, I would be okay!
That is what I did. After six months of stewing and worrying, I finally trusted Him who had called me to do this! Duh! I am so glad that He loves and cares for me despite my silly humanness!
I shared my story and people laughed! It was wonderful and I felt the presence and anointing of the Lord so strongly that day! The lady who booked me came up after and said that what I had shared had touched her deeply! That is our God! He is so worthy of praise!
Psalm 11:1. In the Lord, put I, my trust!
Singer, speaker, recording artist and comedienne, Kelita has been so kind to me through the years I have known her. She has also given my name and recommended me to different people when she has been asked, but unable to minister due to another commitment.
I got a call one day from a lady who is very involved with promoting gospel artists. She was having a ladies' day on a Saturday in October and booked me on Kelita’s recommendation. She was looking for about 45 minutes of comedy. I told her I would do my best.
When I got off the phone, I remembered thinking, “Why in the world did I say I would do it?” I have sat in the audience watching Kelita don her comedienne hat and be in stitches listening to her as she did her different characters. I was no match for that!
How easy it is to compare yourself to someone else! That’s what I did – for about six months before the gig! Also there was a woman there who was a very charismatic, “have the audience in her lap” type of singer. Boy oh boy did the insecurities well up in me!
I shared my heart with my sister-in-law Mim, wondering where I was going to get this comedy routine? Mim simply said “Share your testimony. It’s funny!”
I did a lot of crying out to God those six months.
It was about a three hour drive from home. We got to the venue about seven o’clock on the Friday night. It was at a campground and the sun was just setting over the lake. We were told to be there for seven so we didn’t doddle over the sunset, although I would have loved to just go and drink in the lovely sight.
We sat for about two hours waiting to do the sound check. It was a lovely venue and they had booths around the perimeter of the large room where the ladies could shop in between sessions the next day.
I did my sound check and then we were guided to a lovely home that backed onto the lake. We visited with the young couple who were hosting and all the while, I was silently praying “Oh Lord, please help me!”
I didn’t sleep well that night. I woke often and was very restless. At 6 AM I felt Mim brush my hand and told me it was time to get up. At the same moment, words of a song came into my head. “I cannot live without Your love oh Lord. I cannot breathe without Your breath. I cannot sing without Your song oh Lord, ringing deeply in my breast.” Shadow of Your Face by Bob Fitts © 1996 Hosanna’s Integrity Music. My heart filled with praise and adoration to my Heavenly Father! The worry and stress melted away! He was reminding me that as long as I relied on Him, I would be okay!
That is what I did. After six months of stewing and worrying, I finally trusted Him who had called me to do this! Duh! I am so glad that He loves and cares for me despite my silly humanness!
I shared my story and people laughed! It was wonderful and I felt the presence and anointing of the Lord so strongly that day! The lady who booked me came up after and said that what I had shared had touched her deeply! That is our God! He is so worthy of praise!
Psalm 11:1. In the Lord, put I, my trust!